Kare Plus "Join the UK's most established multi service healthcare franchise"

What are you waiting for?

Over the last couple of weeks our franchise network has seen an increase in demand for their care and support services and the demand is only set to increase.

Murtaza Hameer from our Kare Plus Barnet franchise advised on a recent support call with a Kare Plus support team member ‘we have never had so many customers calling us for support, even customers who never used to use our services are now engaging with us’.

Murtaza then went on to say ‘Despite this being a challenging time for some, this is really proving to show the strength of our sector and our business as we are developing relationships with a broader customer base.’ ‘Alongside our relationships with our existing customer base, these new founded relationships are ones that will remain as we continue to deliver on the Kare Plus ethos of being the caring company’.

He continued to say ‘With many businesses having to close, or make redundancies I am proud that we have been able to offer new working opportunities for any healthcare professionals looking to supplement their income’.

As many will have become aware the healthcare sector doesn’t stop and here at Kare Plus neither do we. As you can see by Murtaza’s words, there has never been a better time to join a healthcare setup or look at establishing a business in the healthcare sector.

If you would like to be in a similar position to Murtaza and explore our franchise opportunity, then contact us today.