The National Franchise show is one of the biggest franchising events of the year and numerous delegates will attend hoping to find a perfect business opportunity.
February has already been a busy month for the Kare Plus team so far, with one franchise show already in the bag. This week’s franchise exhibition in Birmingham is sure to be a success and Kare Plus is excited to announce that Clive Cooper, the franchise owner of Kare Plus Preston, will attend the event.
This is the perfect opportunity for someone at the start of their franchising journey to hear from an established franchise owner who has been through the same journey they are considering.
Clive will be on hand to talk to aspiring franchise owners and provide insight on the ins and outs of running a healthcare franchise. Having been a franchise owner for over two years, Clive has established himself as an active member of the network and will provide an honest and informative account of his franchising journey.
Clive spoke about attending the show: “The National Franchise Exhibition provides aspiring entrepreneurs with an excellent opportunity to meet those that have made the jump. I was once in that position, so I know how daunting it can be. I look forward to talking about my experience as a franchise owner and my relationship with Kare Plus.”
Key members of the Kare Plus support team will also be in attendance, providing delegates with information on the various support systems and processes that aid our franchise network. This is a prime opportunity to speak directly to the team that supports a national network of franchise businesses.
You will find the Kare Plus team at The National Franchise Exhibition, located on stand E10 within Birmingham’s NEC venue. Known for its exceptional travel links, bustling atmosphere and successful business events, the start of your new franchising journey couldn’t be easier or more exciting.
Kare Plus wants to invite any aspiring franchisees to meet with us on the day, with the offer of free tickets for those who wish to find out more. If you would like to arrange a meeting with us at the show, or find out more about our franchising opportunities, please visit our profile page through the link below.